About CAPE

About CAPE

The Center for Art & Public Exchange is an initiative of the Mississippi Museum of Art in Jackson, supported by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


In 2018, we established the Center for Art and Public Exchange (CAPE), a new initiative founded in the values of equity, transparency, and truth to form what we call a “brave space” where we, along with our visitors, can confront our past, using art to guide us.

The move from our previous permanent collection installation, Picturing Mississippi, to the current exhibition, New Symphony of Time, charts the course from a safe space (where we suggested how new stories could be told) to a brave space, where we actively seek out stories from our community partners. CAPE is structured to do this work. It consists of a Community Advisory Council, a National Advisory Council, a National Arts Residency and an In-State residency program, and an Innovation Lab, where audiences are given innovative ways to unpack works of art. CAPE also features more community-minded programs including Art & Coffee and Re:Frame, which give us and our audiences structured conversational encounters with issues that form and shape our present moment. Even our physical spaces mirror this attitude of generous intimacy that cultivates the recognition of community.


CAPE’s purpose is to use original artworks, exhibitions, programs, and engagements with artists to increase understanding and inspire new narratives in contemporary Mississippi.


CAPE believes in the shared authority of artist and viewer, curator and layperson. Our methodology centers around the power of art to change lives, coupled with the viewer’s agency to make meaning in dialogue with art. CAPE honors and includes voices across spectrums of age, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomics, and politics, and strives for institutional change that supports equal access for all peoples.

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